Good practices in IR projects with an intersectional gender perspective

Good research practices must be embedded thoughtout the entire process to ensure credible and timely data.6 (See: Planning and conducting IR)

Consider some of the good research practices below to incorporating an intersectional gender lens into your IR project.

  • Disaggregate data at different levels of the research cycle (e.g. data collection, analysis, implementation, and dissemination). This facilitates a more informed understanding of an issue or situational differences and inequalities to be identified.
  • Promote inclusion and diversity by paying special attention to including the voices of marginalized groups.
  • Analyse power hierarchies to address power inequalities between researchers and participants, as well as among participants.
  • Use local taxonomies that various communities use to identify themselves.
  • Use the language of the participant community to convey respect for their right to self-determination and respects their lives.70
  • Strengthen capacities of the project teams and communities in areas of intersectional gender analysis.

Figure 10 summarizes the various activities to incorporate an intersectional gender lens within the various IR phases.

TDR Implementation research toolkit(Second edition)

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