Table 7: Sub-components of the measuring project results section
Section Description
Monitoring and evaluation
  • Describes exactly how the team will decide whether or not the project meets its objectives.
  • Informs the prospective funding agency how they will be shown at the end of the project that their investment was a good one.
  • Facilitates the implementation of evidence-based practice and improved health outcomes.
  • Examines the difference between the implementation effectiveness and the efficacy of health intervention.
Capacity building
  • How the project can help improve the research capacity of national and local institutions involved, via training, mentorship, etc.
  • How the project, can help increase capacity for using research evidence for policy or decision-making by key stakeholders, such as government officials, involved in the project.
Dissemination plan
  • The dissemination plan should include intended publications, newsletters, workshops, radio broadcasts, presentations, printed hand-outs, slide shows, training programmes, etc.
  • Identify key stakeholders target audience and their needs.
  • Involve stakeholders throughout the process.
  • Tailor the message accordingly – stakeholder groups vary by their familiarity with research terminology and preferences for receiving information.