
For the key informant interviews for a study on TB in the prison system of country X, a comprehensive list of officials to be interviewed will be developed based on the stakeholder analysis and on consultations with the national TB control programme (NTBCP) personnel. A preliminary list of officials has been compiled and includes the following:

  • Minister of Health (or their deputy).
  • Deputy of the Minister of Health, responsible for epidemiology and infection control.
  • Director of the NTBCP.
  • Chair of the sanitation and epidemiological services committee.
  • Ministry of Justice.
  • Deputy of the Minister of Justice responsible for the prison system.
  • Chief medical doctor, who oversees the prison system.
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Deputy responsible for detention centres.
  • Chief TB medical doctor (detention centres).
  • Ministry of Social Security (head administrator).
  • Ministry of Finance (head of budgeting department).
  • Head of regional political authority
  • Head of health department of that authority.