Table 6: Sub-components of the project plan section
Section Description
Project plan
  • Presents a clear indication of the timeframe for the project and the times when each aspect of the project will be implemented.
  • Often a work plan or timeline is displayed most effectively in a graphic (Gantt chart), table or Excel sheet.
  • Helps to demonstrate the feasibility of the project in a very visible way.
  • Identifies tasks; when the activity will take place; and by whom.
  • Highlights project milestones and deliverables.
  • Includes time for protocol review and approval.
Research team
  • Describes the members of your team and the experience/assets they contribute to the project.
  • Team must be multidisciplinary and diverse (depending on the nature of the research, it may include members of the community as well as researchers from different disciplines and institutions, healthcare providers and decision-makers).
  • Convinces the reviewers you have enough expertise on your team to conduct the proposed research effectively.
  • Includes the role(s) and responsibility of each individual listed on the project.
  • Indicates whether team members are involved on a full- or part-time basis.
Budget and justification
  • Outlines and justifies the resources needed to effectively conduct the proposed research.
  • Summarizes exactly what is realistically needed from the funding agency to carry out the project.
  • Should be realistic in the context of the research setting.
  • Outlines how much money is needed for each phase of the project.
  • Aligns with agency suggested/required budget categories.
  • The budget should align with the proposed activities in the research design.