Table 3: Summary characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research
Quantitative Qualitative
Purpose Explanatory/causal. Exploratory, descriptive.
Perspective regarding reality Naturalist, positivist perspective common in natural science. Interpretive perspective common in social science.
Research tradition Naturalist, positivist perspective common in natural science. Interpretive perspective common in social science.
Sample and sample size Sample size is large using mostly probability sampling strategy. Sample size is small using purposive sampling strategy.
Sample is representative of Population being studied. Sample represents the existing variation in the population. Phenomenon being studied. Sample with rich information regarding the phenomenon.
Methods Structured/Semi-structured Surveys or observations. In-depth interviews, focus groups, observations, etc.
Gathering Data More efficient, tests specific hypotheses. Time-consuming process; often real-world environments.
Administration Researcher uses tools to gather data (requires less training). Researcher is the instrument for gathering data (requires training).
Types of Questions Closed, yes/no responses. Probing, open-ended.
Forms of data Numbers and statistics. Words, stories and pictures.
Types of Analyses Statistical, summarize results using numbers. Interpretive, establishes themes or patterns.
Interpretation of study Generalization of findings. Context-specific findings.