Text box: Primary and secondary target audiences

An intervention to promote safe circumcision for HIV prevention had a goal of encouraging men to come forward for circumcision. The primary audience was uncircumcised men at risk of HIV infection; the secondary audiences included health workers, opinion leaders, and female sexual partners. In this setting/context, each audience required its own targeted communications plan.

However, the same intervention also had a goal of mobilizing policy-makers to incorporate circumcision policies into the existing national health policy framework. In this context, ministry of health officials and legislatures, plus other opinion leaders, also constituted a primary audience.

Table 5: Illustration of a communication and advocacy plan for primary audience
Communication objective Primary audience Communication strategy Dissemination tools Timeline Resources Responsible person
Persuade men to go for safe medical circumcision Men Sensitization workshops Pamphlets, Drama skits, Change champions 3 months Health workers, Community mobilizers, Funds Project communication officer
Seek support of policy-makers to incorporate male circumcision into the post-natal care services Policy makers Seminar Policy brief 9 months Principal investigator Program researchers funds Principal Investigator
Table 6: Illustration of a communication plan for secondary audience
Communication strategy Secondary audience Communication strategy Dissemination tools Timeline Resources Responsible person
Seek support of opinion leaders to support medical circumcision in their communities Opinion leaders Sensitization campaigns Change champions
3 months Health officers, films, funds Project communication officer
Persuade men to seek safe medical circumcision Sexual partners Partner- counseling Pamphlets 6 months Counsellors, Rooms for privacy, funds Project counsellor