Figure 5: Logic model of a research project
Text box: Definitions

Outcomes: The ultimate effects or changes anticipated as a consequence of the project:

  • Long-term/Goal(s): The higher-level objectives the project is expected to achieve and/or contribute to. These may be beyond the scope of the project (e.g. reduced infant mortality rate).
  • Intermediate outcomes: Changes in behaviour, actions, practice. Often only visible some time after project implementation (e.g. increased: use of treated mosquito nets, utilization of immunization services).
  • Short-term outcomes: Immediate results/consequences of project outputs (e.g. increased knowledge, awareness, motivation (e.g. use of immunization services)

Outputs: Observations/parameters that can be directly influenced by the project, and for which the research/implementation team are responsible (e.g. improved access to immunization).

Activities: Specific actions/undertakings that will be performed as part of the project, in order to produce the intended outputs (e.g. training, developing brochures, training, survey, sensitization etc.).

Inputs: Key resources needed to support the project (e.g. personnel, equipment, funding).