Table 3: Reflexivity process: Questions for research project team. Extracted from (12).
Questions for research project team
a. What are my own personal values, experiences, interests, beliefs and in the area of health we will be researching?
b. How does my social position (e.g. gender identity, race, ethnicity, indigeneity, socioeconomic status, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, migrant status, religion etc.) and my personal opinions/experiences of oppression (e.g. patriarchy, colonialism, capitalism, racism, heterosexism, ableism) influence the research process, and research outcomes?
c. What are my personal values, assumptions, perspectives and experiences regarding participants’ living experiences?
d. While working together, how can team members become more aware of and take advantage of opportunities where they can challenge each other’s ideas and work towards achieving equality within their project team?
e. What do you think are some of the ways to ensure that everyone feels “comfortable” when working together on this research project? What are some of the best ways to work together to address the research problem?
f. How do you think people with lived experience in this area of health would prefer to be involved in research and why? What types of challenges would need to be addressed to make it easier for them, as well as their families and communities to become involved in research?