Table 5: Examples of gender analysis and intersectional gender analysis research questions. Adapted from (1).
Gender relations domains Gender analysis questions Intersectional gender analysis questions
Access to resources (e.g. education, information, skills, income, employment, services, benefits, time, space, social capital, etc.)

How does access to financial resources affect men’s and women’s abilities to access the IR intervention?

How does access to health information affect men’s and women’s abilities to access the IR intervention?

To what extent does access to financial resources differ between the different social categories of men, women, people with non-binary identities (e.g. education, migration status, age, ableism etc) to influence their access to the IR intervention?

To what extent does access to health information regarding the IR intervention differ between the different social categories of men, women, people with non-binary identities (e.g. ethnicity, marital status, geographical location, education, migration status, age, ableism etc)?

Division of labour (within and beyond the household and everyday practice) To what extent does men’s and women’s household work role affect their ability to access the IR intervention? How do socially assigned household roles/responsibilities influence access to the IR intervention between the different groups of men, women, people with non-binary identities (e.g. class, migrants, education level, age etc.)?
Social norms (ideologies, beliefs, and perceptions) How do social/cultural norms affect women’s ability to seek the IR intervention? How do the social norms in relation to seeking the intervention in your IR project differ between different groups of women by (e.g. age, education, class, ethnicity etc)?
Decision-making power (e.g. seeking permission to leave the house, on how financial resources will be used)

Do women have autonomy to access the intervention in your IR project?

Do women make decisions on how to use finances to access the intervention in your IR project?

How does autonomy to seek the intervention in your IR project differ between different groups of women (e.g. age, education, religion, class etc.)

How does autonomy to use finances to seek the intervention in your IR project differ between different groups of women (e.g. age, education, religion, class, occupation, disability etc.)