Box 4. Example of intersectional variables used as keywords for a literature review. Adapted from (45 and 46).

Intersectional variables at the:

  • Individual level: (age, sex, gender, gender identity, “race”, ethnicity, income, education, employment status, professional status, socioeconomic status/class indicator (SES-indicator), marital/partnership status, single-parent household, migrant status, religion, dis/ability, sexual orientation, region of residence, urbanity/rurality).
  • Area level: (age, sex, gender, gender identity, “race”, ethnicity, migrant status, income, education, employment status, SES-indicator, marital/partnership status, social capital, urbanity/rurality).
  • Regarding contextual inequality indices: (gender inequality, indices of multiple deprivation) as well as occupational segregation (sex, gender identity, “race”, ethnicity).