Table 8: Gender proxies used to understand gender relation domains. Adapted from (1).
Gender relations domains Gender-related variables/proxies
Access to resources
  • Cash earnings
  • Ownership of land
  • Education
  • Information Access (e.g. to what extent are marginalized populations able to access relevant information and care related to an intervention?)
Distribution of labour
  • Works outside home
  • Time spent doing housework
  • Employment (e.g. from an implementers’ perspective, how might costs of accessing an intervention affect women and men differently?)
Social norms, beliefs and values
  • Women delivering at home
  • Unmarried young girls should be in the company of their kinsmen when accessing care
  • All household earning belong to the man in the house
Decision-making autonomy
  • Decision-making related to the health intervention (e.g. who decides whether or not it is acceptable for someone to participate in an intervention?)
  • Control over household’s earnings/resources