Research Methods and Data Management

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  17. A useful list of biostatistics resources is available here: (accessed 17 October 2017).
  18. Atkinson S. and Abu el Hap M. Domain analysis for qualitative public health data. Health Policy and Planning. 1996; 11(4): 438-42.
  19. Surkis A. and Read K. Research data management. Journal of the Medical Library Association: Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2015; 103(3):154–156.
  20. Guideline for good clinical practice. International Conference On Harmonisation Of Technical Requirements For Registration Of Pharmaceuticals For Human Use (1996). (, accessed 17 October 2017).
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  22. Bradley E.H., Curry L.A., and Devers K.J. Qualitative data analysis for health services research: developing taxonomy, themes, and theory. Health Services Research. 2007; 42(4):1758–1772.
  23. Miles M.B., and Huberman A.M. Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.; 1994.
  24. Merriam S.B. Qualitative research and case study applications in education (2nd ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 1998.
  25. Maxwell, JA. Qualitative research design: an interactive approach (3rd Edition, Vol 41). Los Angeles: Sage Publications, Inc.; 2013.