Copyrights of the photographs used on the website belong to the other organizations/individuals. They are available on Flickr and the other photo galleries under Creative Commons. Photo credits and links to the sources are provided below.
Photo credit: ©Nena Terrell/USAID Ethiopia
Source: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) on Flickr
Credit: ©Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation–Malawi/Robbie Flick
Source: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) on Flickr
Credit: ©Conor Ashleigh/AusAID
Source: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia, on Flickr
Credit: ©Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation–Malawi/Chris Cox
Source: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) on Flickr
Credit: ©UNICEF Ethiopia/2012/Getachew
Source: UNICEF Ethiopia on Flickr
Credit: ©Aisha Faquir/World Bank
Source: World Bank Photo Collection on Flickr
Credit: ©Connor Ashleigh/AusAID
Source: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia, on Flickr
Credit: ©Jordan Rowland on Unsplash
Credit: ©Pixabay/Pexels
Source: Pixabay
Credit: ©Natasha Scripture & Freya Morales /UNDP
Source: UNDP
Credit: ©Olumide Ogundahunsi/WHO/TDR
Credit: ©Yann Forget/Wikimedia Commons
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Credit: ©Pixabay/StockSnap
Source: Pixabay