Cover Photo: NEPAD Agency

On October 22nd – 23rd, over 50 representatives from thirteen African Union (AU) Member States will gather in Midrand, South Africa to discuss the progress in domestication of the AU Model Law for Medical Products Regulationwhich is a guiding framework for countries to identify gaps and inconsistencies in their national regulatory legislations for medical products.

The AU Model Law is a key pillar of the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) Programme which aims to support medicines regulatory authorities in Africa to improve regulatory standards and expedite registration of essential medicines. Strengthened and harmonized regulatory systems will improve the predictability and efficiency of marketing approvals, so that innovative new health technologies can be delivered and used sooner – ultimately improving health outcomes of patients in need.

Jointly organized by the NEPAD Agency and ADP, the two-day technical seminar will provide a platform for country stakeholders to discuss and agree on an implementation roadmap towards regional harmonization of regulatory systems across African countries and improved access to safe, efficacious, quality health technologies.

To learn more about the AU Model Law, watch the video by NEPAD and read ADP’S Issue Brief.