The Access and Delivery Partnership (ADP) Status Report 2020 highlights the work of the partnership in its second year of scale-up: from April 2019 to March 2020.

During this time, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical importance of ensuring equitable access to health services, as well as increasing availability of medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tools in response to established and emerging health threats. These continue to be the key components of the Partnership’s capacity support to countries.

Even though COVID-19 set off an immediate health crisis in all countries, it did not cause the underlying fragility in many health systems – rather, it revealed existing weaknesses and reinforces the critical need for health system strengthening and preparedness.

The Status Report 2020 captures the Partnership’s operations during this unique time, demonstrating that despite the present uncertainties, disruptions and swift pace of change in focus countries, the work and impact of ADP remains on track and more relevant than ever. ADP partners have swiftly pivoted to make use of digital tools to stay connected and engaged with country stakeholders, to consult and understand the rapidly evolving needs at the country level.