The approach advocated in this module closely mirrors that articulated by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, SDG goal #3 that aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for people at all ages. The need to address sustainability challenges in a more comprehensive, multi- and inter-disciplinary manner is key. A better understanding of the factors and determinants that delay progress or, in some instances, set countries off-track highlights the need to better address health system bottlenecks with applicable and tailored approaches.
Lessons learnt from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and challenges anticipated in the SDG era emphasize the importance of a more hands-on approach in addressing and designing interventions that are better suited to a modified and adapted context, where one-size-fits-all approaches are widely recognized as being obsolete.
The integrated framework for implementing SDGs recognizes the role of local action, community buy-in, local leadership and coordination at all levels of governance. The health-related SDG targets, along with other global platforms, highlight the importance of acting now; the need to enhance research; increase the quality implementation of services; promote partnership and stakeholder roles, while tailoring sustainable solutions to local realities and challenges. IR fits into these as a way to reach the anticipated aims and targets.